Tvind’s social education empire is now under Danish media spotlight. In picture: Tvind-founder and leader Mogens Amdi Petersen.
Tvind’s social education empire is now under Danish media spotlight. In picture: Tvind-founder and leader Mogens Amdi Petersen.
Foto: Rasmus Baaner, Ritzau Foto

Nu på engelsk: Danish municipalities pay millions to Tvind

Nu på engelsk: Danish municipalities pay millions to Tvind

Even though Tvind’s leadership is wanted by Interpol, Danish municipalities pay the equivalent of tens of millions of dollars to Tvind’s residential treatment schools and teen boot camps every year. This surprises many politicians.

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Among the murderers, drug-pushers and kidnappers on Interpol’s list of the 33 most wanted people from Denmark, five members of Tvind’s top leadership can be found. Not because they’ve suddenly resorted to violent crime, but because the five are charged with tax evasion and embezzlement of millions of dollars.

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